Costello-Media Blog

How Long is a Piece of String? – Website Costs

I receive this question often.

“How much does a website cost?”

My usual response is:

“How long is a piece of string?”

It’s similar to asking how much a house costs. There are many factors that influence the cost.

A house requires a plan – a “blueprint”, and so does a website. This gives focus to the budget.

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Paper Websites Floating on the Internet Pond

Back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s it was pretty common to build a website, do a basic series of Search Engine Optimization tasks, and let the site just “be” with little attention or maintenance.

But SEO became a serious industry and Google led the way with continuously changing the algorithm’s for evaluating a website’s presence.

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Masking Passwords: Help or Hindrance?

Masking Passwords: Help or Hindrance?   This is an insightful article from SItePoint about handling passwords on the internet and in website development. Masking Passwords: Help or Hindrance?

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Misleading Domain Name Renewal Offers

Misleading Domain Name Renewal Offers   The following information can apply to several different companies who use the ploy of sending what appear to be bills for Domain Name renewals in order to take your business away from your existing registrar and charge your more than you need to pay for the service. A recent…

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Is Your “Wow” Factor Confusing Your Website User?

Is Your “Wow” Factor Confusing Your Website User?   You’ve just found a link on Google that appears to have the information you’re seeking or the product you want to buy. You see the exact keyword you searched for and you click through, excited that you’re going to actually purchase that gizmo you’ve been wanting,…

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The Exit Click – Are You Giving Your Visitors Reason to Leave?

The Exit Click – Are You Giving Your Visitors Reason to Leave?   There’s a good piece of advice given to songwriter’s: Don’t give your audience a chance to check out. Which means a songwriter should keep the audience engaged with a clear story in their lyrics and keep the audience’s attention with memorable music that flows…

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Is Your Website “User Friendly”?

Is Your Website User Friendly?   I’m often asked to review websites and give my opinion as to why they don’t seem to be performing well. More often than not, if a site has a pretty good Search Engine presence and it’s not doing well, then it’s likely to not have a friendly content strategy…

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The Benefit of Organic Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via “natural” (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results, or the higher it “ranks,” the more searchers will visit that site. ~ In the late ’90s, businesses began to discover…

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